Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A view to a Railroad

So, the Board of Directors met and have decided that its not so easy planning on just plain blue.  So by unanimous resolution they have opted to build the towns and farm and other material - just to provide some backdrop to the planning that is ongoing.

Also resolved was to remove the mountain in front of the Saw Mill - dump truck by dump truck if necessary.  Mr. Johnson provided a very clear case why his visibility should not be cut off (mostly consisted of a lot of "Well, just because" arguments).

So in order to get an idea of where the Railroads progress was the Board commissioned a series of sureys to document progress of the building.

The series provided the Board with sufficient information to move forward with construction.  Of course the Chief Engineer had to remind the board that there was still the issue of power and track cleanliness, and until that had been resolved there would not be a lot of "railroad work" taking place on the lines.  So, while grumbling, the Board approved the plan to continue track work until such time as they could be guaranteed a full reliable circuite around the track at will by the engines.  Until that time any true "fun" work would have to wait.

Meeting adjourned with everyone admiring the plans.

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